Everyday Church

Everyday Church

About us

We believe that God loves to do extraordinary things through ordinary people. We believe that this means we can be honest with one another, since people who have been accepted by God have nothing left to prove to one another. We believe that this creates an atmosphere of authenticity in which people can flourish and Christian faith can grow. So come and join us as we seek to love Jesus and live his mission together, in congregations around London and online services across the world.

We are a community of people who want to know what it truly means to follow Jesus every day. The core of our church are committed believers, but we also gather many sceptics and seekers. We believe that nobody is bad enough to be beyond the reach of God’s love and mercy. We are a church that believes God fills people with his Holy Spirit and does extraordinary things through very ordinary people. We believe that cities are not changed by finger-pointing critics but by people who model the refreshingly different lifestyle of Jesus, changing cities for good from the inside out. We are part of the Newfrontiers and Baptist families of churches - specifically through New Ground - as well as the Evangelical Alliance.

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